Fenira- Shopping & Trading



Fenira is new, Entertainment Commerce trading platform targeting the gaming industry, allowing users...


Fenira is new, Entertainment Commerce trading platform targeting the gaming industry, allowing users to exchange their products.With Fenira, users can upload their entire gaming collections and negotiate with other users. While uploading games, users can select their interest as an exchange for their games. Once the game is listed on the marketplace users can search, send offers, get offers and in real time negotiate with each other.
With the built in Delivery communication tool, users can arrange delivery within minutes. Our goal is to bring real time negotiation into e-commerce, while combining elements from social media and streaming to allow busineses and end-users to interact with each other smoothly.
In the future we will focus to bring automated negotiations into our platform to offer an even faster and more convenient trading experience. Beyond video games, we will continuously add accessories, consoles, gaming PCs and related products.
** Features: **
* The Upload *In not even 10 seconds you are done. The time is running. Go! Go! Go! 10... 9... select your console type... 8...7... the game...6...5... and the condition... 4...3... confirm .... 2....1... Done ....0.... Time is up, now we take care of the rest.For every game that you upload to Fenira, you can choose what do you want to receive to exchange games.You have the power young Jedi. It´s your decision. We gonna match you with gamers who have what you want and connect you together. You two just have to make a deal together. Have fun!
* Database *Our Database is full with Games until the ceiling , everything ever released. From Retrogames through PC Games until high end Console games all is there. The moment the game is released, we already saved it. Whichever game you have or search for its for sure part of our Database which has more than 35.000 games.
* Send and Get offers...* ...that nobody can refuse. Instead of putting your game to an online marketplace and hope that someone having the same interest what you have and want to have it right away, you should rather use Fenira and relax. In our Community we exactly know who has what and who searches what. You just simply have to get in touch and make your offer.Once you uploaded your game you can also sit back and relax until somebody sends you an offer. Since we know who searches for the game you have we can just let him know that he can get it from you. You can accept, further negotiate or refuse any incoming offers.
* Negotiating *You have what others wanna have. Others have what you want to have. With Fenira you can make offers and search for games. Therefore it will be always your decision how you want to negotiate. Swapping one or more games? At the same time, you can negotiate with many users and use different deal combinations. Thats pretty fancy, isn´t it?
* Delivery Management *Do you remember how we got games earlier? We searched through many websites, checked price, watched gameplay videos or read magazines than waited day and night until the postmaster showed up. Others have already finished the game by we just got it. With Fenira you can get the game you want within Hours or even less in your hands. Once you agreed to a deal, with our Delivery Management tool you two can just select where you meet and you are done!
* The Near Future *Fenira is the perfect place to negotiate and exchange video games. So far, so good. But we want to be even cooler! In very short time, we will offer Articles, Reviews, Videos, Accessories, Hardware and a lot more. From the users, to the users. I mean who could give better tips like people you and I? People who are also nerds? Oh boy, there will be some pretty fancy stuff coming, we promise!